Shining Bright
Even though its grey and rainy outside we are feeling bright and shiny inside. Here at on Black Mountain Farm we have a mission to help heal and clean up the Earth and Oceans around us.
This year we helped friends and customers close by, and as far away as Canada and England to reduce plastic.
Our mission is to give you as many organic, plastic free alternatives for your families everyday needs. We create products from farm ingredients and sell plastic free Shampoo, Conditioner and Soap bars, as well as plastic free Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Shaving cream, and Deodorant! Our best sellers though are our luxurious face and eye creams made with soothing and moisturizing locally sourced Kelp oil.
We feel all shiny inside because this year we sold or donated over 6 thousand plastic free products. That means 6,000 less plastic bottles, toothpaste tubes and laundry jugs floating around in our oceans or polluting our landfills!
Please consider joining our movement and become a regular monthly subscriber to our everyday necessities like laundry strips, Shampoo, Conditioner, Toothpaste or Deodorant at a 30% discount. Your regular purchase makes a difference because every eco-swap helps to reduce plastic waste in our Oceans. Your participation is what fuels our low-waste movement and ignites our business to continue to do our part in keeping our Planet clean.
We are a small local business located on a Farm, near the Pacific ocean and emails are a crucial way for us to contact our community. We regularly provide store discounts, product updates and sustainability tips. Please consider joining our email list and take advantage of our VIP sales events.
Thank you so much from our Black Mountain Farm to the depths of our Oceans
Happy New Ocean Lover Year!
Marnie and the whole family here at
